Camp Sugar Bowl Success


This was our 12th year of running our premium Summer Adventure Camp, and it was truly a year like no other.  Right at the time that Gateway normally finalizes our program plans, kids sign up and our staff is confirmed, COVID-19 was a full national emergency.  In order for us to pull our summer programming off, we had to face challenges that felt like a big cliff in bad conditions…luckily Gateway Mountain Center is full of great climbers!  

We hung on every word and carefully monitored the constantly changing information coming out of the Center for Disease Control, the American Camp Association, UCSF Medical Center, and our County and State Officials.  The day before camp began, Governor Newsom announced a large list of new shut down restrictions, causing us to cancel Week 1.  Thankfully, a few days later we got some clarity from our Placer County Health Officer and decided to commence with camp for the next three weeks. Huge kudos to our entire Sierra Experience Team and our Medical Director Jessica Galloway, for their smart engagement in this incredible, evolving challenge!

And it was so worth it! 

Over 100 kids from 4-14 years of age, enjoyed adventurous explorations and fun all over our gorgeous, rugged Sierra Crest site at Donner Summit.  We know these experiences are so important at all times of life.  But this year, empowering kids to roam in small groups, make new friends, enjoy mountain challenges, and connect to nature was even more impactful and powerful.  


Swimming in lake waters, rock climbing, scrambling and hiking up and down the domes, catching snakes (carefully and gently!), rafting a real Class 3 rapid, mountain biking the single track trails blooming with wildflowers transformed us all from within and out, while building true resilience and connection.  

We love running this Camp, and we are so grateful for all of the families who entrusted us to keep their children as safe as possible, while expanding their horizons. Enjoy these photos of happy, free and empowered kids! 

See you next year, and bring your friends!

Greg Bernstein